Year 7 maths

                            Year 7 Maths

On Wednesday 21st of February room 13 did maths with the year 7s.They were teaching us how to use some new strategies in math. Hi I am Zach and in my math group my teachers were Felix and Conor and the other students I was being taught with where Milly,Shawn and Marvin.The strategies they taught us where how to take away 1s from big numbers for example if you had 20000 dollars and spent one dollar all  the zeros would turn to nines and the first number would turn to the number below it. At the end of the session with the year 7s we payed a game of math tag the rules of the game are someone will call out a math equation and the first person the put their hand up will answer the question and if they get it correct they can move two steps and they have to try to tag the other plays and the last man standing wins.
